Thursday, March 24, 2011

Squiddly Diddly Octopus Cartoon

A while back an Everything Octopus reader challenged me to find an old black and white octopus cartoon. In my search, I came across some unexpected and fun toons that I thought you might enjoy, including Hanna-Barbera's famous ceph, Squiddly Diddly.

Squiddly Diddly, who looks more octopus than squid, made his TV debut in 1965 on the Atom Ant/Secret Squirrel Show. An octopus after my own heart, Diddly is an aspiring musician who has the extraordinary ability to play multiple instruments at once. Diddly is confined to a life at Bubbleland, which is an amusement park similar to Sea World. In search of stardom, Diddly continually attempts to break out of Bubbleland, however his escapes are always foiled by the park's administrator, Chief Winchley.

Squiddly Diddly also made appearances on several other cartoons including Yogi's Gang, Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law, and Sealab 2021.

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