Saturday, April 25, 2009

Nicholas Cage - A Cephalophile?

It's true, Nicholas Cage once had a pet octopus...

Nic has been known for owning exotic animals. He admitted once to having a pet octopus, claiming that studying things that are totally different helps him with his acting. Guess that also explains the salt water sharks, lizard, and crocodile? For a time he even had two pet king cobras (Moby and Sheba) that he would observe for hours from a specially constructed cell in his home with a glass of wine in his hand and a bottle of poison antidote very nearby. One night he mentioned them on "The Tonight Show With Jay Leno" and his neighbors immediately began fighting to get the poisonous reptiles removed. Cage donated them to a local zoo a short time later.

I found this out at along with loads of other useless information. Ahhh, I love the internet.

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