Octopapa is a giant octopus Goku encounters in the pirate cave. He was mistook for a spider which got him angry and he wanted to eat Goku. Goku ends up frying him with a Kamehameha Wave and eating him. According to Goku he apparently tastes like chicken.
Thanks, Michelle!
It's Dragon Ball! Not DBZ... so much better >D
Oh no! I didn't know there was a difference; my bad! I have so much to learn :)
I'll fix it now.
Yay, I get to say something nerdy! :D
The last "ha" already means "wave".
"Kamehame wave Wave" :P
This blog is fantastic; I too am afflicted by the octopus obsession.
Here is my most recent finding, a bar in Javea, Spain.
Please have a look here at an octopus painting I have made.
I spent some time in Japan a few years ago and got a pretty big octopus tattoo on my arm; my first and only tat!
Love your blog!!! Please check out the octopus ring and pendants at www.amanotrading.com
Did you see this yet?
Octopus chandeliers! They definitely belong in this blog...
@misslynx The Adam Wallacavage octopus chandeliers are indeed awesome, but they have already cropped up in this blog here. I seriously wish I could afford them!
I love you guys!!! Lots of new posts coming this week. Thank you for all your contributions and for sharing in my octo-obsession!
Another octo-discovery for your pleasure:
Disney's Aladdin cartoon S01E14; also has a steam-punk vibe about it:
my band has an octopus on the front cover of our new album! check it!
i love this blog!
Looking cool...Granite Countertops Calgary
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