The pictures below are of a handmade needle-felt common octopus. To read more about the process of making this beauty and some cheeky reader comments, please visit

Any other Needle-felters out there? The Everything Octopus community would love to see your creations!
Thanks for posting this. It seemed to be eaten by the Blogger gods at the time you published, but now seems to be back and up for comments, so THANKS! I enjoyed poking a lot of wool to make her.
I'm so glad I found your blog! That is an absolutely stunning piece of needlefelting! I'm not sure if you've found us yet, but I thought I'd let you know about Our shop is solely dedicated to amigurumi octopi!
Thank you very much for a fascinating read. It is indeed a privilege to learn more about a sea animal that is vital to our ecosystem and cultural roots in Hawaii. We certainly would love it if you and your readers would stop by and peruse our blog. There are several articles about an octopus fisherman on the island of Kauai. Best wishes, mahalo, and aloha!
Hawaiian Odysseus
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