In celebration of
Cephalopodmas, Everything Octopus is holding a contest for our Followers. Entry is simple, and the prize is pretty rad...an Octopus Ornament, perfect for your Cephalopodmas tree or just a festive decoration for your home.

To Enter...
1) You must be a Follower of Everything Octopus. If you're not already a Follower, go to the right hand side of the page and click "Follow" under the "Follow the Octopus" headline. You'll automatically get Everything Octopus updates and be part of a ceph-loving community!
2) Comment on this post and tell us your favorite species of Octopus. Common name or scientific name, it's all good. If you really wanna' have fun with it, tell us WHY it's your favorite species.
If you're like me and need to see everything before you can pick one, then click
here to see all the Species we've featured on Everything Octopus thus far.
3) In your comment, include where you want to see more octopus...maybe you want more octopus clothing, octopus jewelry, octopus lamps, octopus cars, octopus art, octopus books, octopus blankets, octopus anything! Tell us what you want more of!
***Be sure to include your email address in your comment, so that we may contact you and tell you you've WON! If your email is not included in your blogger profile (meaning that we can click on your name in the comment box to access it), then please add it to your comment.***
The winner will be selected by a raffle, meaning that if 40 people post comments, we'll randomly draw a number between 1 and 40, and the commenter that corresponds with that number is the winner.
The contest will run until Monday, December 14th, and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, December 15th. Have fun and good luck!!!